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Architectural decor, a discipline in which I learned at the Olivier de Serres school, is the common thread of my various projects in painting on ceramic, watercolor, fresco and mosaic.


Between tradition and modernity, I am playing between  techniques from different cultures, but whose materials and gestures are linked: my projects bring often together several crafts. I start, for example, with the creation of a terracota tile, which I break after enamelling and firing to make a mosaic. The work on color, painting, composition and arrangement of materials intended for the decor are always around me.

If my main course is related to architectural decor, thanks to my training at the Olivier de Serres School, I am also presenting a design section with projects carried out during my first Diploma in Design. Indeed, I was trained for two years in Lyon in design, where a pair project emerged that received visibility at the Saint-Étienne Design Biennale.

Today, therefore, I benefit from various tools to lead a broader creation, between the fields of craftsmanship and design.


2018 - 2020

Technical degree in contemporary crafts - Majoring in Fresco and Mosaic
ENSAAMA Olivier de Serres School of Art & Design — Paris

2016 - 2018

DSAA equivalent to a 4-year degree in applied arts - Majoring in Fashion and Textile Design
La Martinière Design School  — Lyon

2014 - 2016

Preparatory classes for higher education - Majoring in Art and Design







Carnettiste à la Biennale d'Aquarelle de Brioude pendant le mois de juillet.


"Bourse Zellidja" : A scholarship for 6 months from the Académie Française


Creation and self-production of Autre Regard mirrors sold at the corner shop of the International Biennale Design of St-Etienne (France)

Travels and Internships

Novembre-Février 2022-2023

PORTO        Gazete Azulejos

Atelier de peinture sur carreaux en céramique
Projet d'une crédence de cuisine : 150 azulejos gravés peints.

April -  May 2022

April -  August 2021

January 2021    

VENICE           Young Ambassador programme  to Homo Faber

(Fondazione Giorgio Cini)

Homo Faber promotes and enhances the richness of the skills and excellence of the masters of art in the world, through 15 exhibition rooms.

(Mediator to present the works to the public on the island of San Giorgio Maggiore, usually closed to the public. An opportunity to discover unique works and the magnificent architectural complex of the Giorgio Cini Foundation).

PORTO        Gazete Azulejos - Painting tiles studio
Researches, promotion and preservation the Portugueses tiles used to decorate buildings

BARCELONE        Mosaicos Estel  - Mosaic restoration crafts
Trencadis techniques and restoration of traditional Nolla floors

May - June 2019    

VENICE        Uni.S.Ve - Unione Stuccatori Veneziani

Learning work of decorator, tradionnal technique of plasterer and restorer in palaces and museums

© 2021 Elisabeth Ledoux

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